Posts Tagged ‘carrots’

Bento 40

I started classes again, and I’m not sure how it’s going to go bento-wise. I have huge breaks in my class so I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to make a lot of bentos. But tomorrow I’m going to go work out and I have to run some errands so I thought I’d make a bento for a quick lunch.

I made some Haluski for dinner so I added the leftovers of that, a croissant, some baby carrots, some salad and light italian dressing, and to finish it off some nectarine.

Bento #13

I made lunch for my friend/coworker and I on Saturday. We normally have lunch provided but I think it would be nice to have a yummy bento instead. They’re a little different because my friend doesn’t like many foods.
First here’s hers
evil bento #13

It has green beans, edamame, carrots, hummus w/ sesame seeds on top, and sliced apple.

And here’s mine
bento 13

It has a little more because my friend was also going to eat a sandwich. It leftovers from the cool noodle salad I made, edamame, apple, carrots, hummus, and green beans. The little container on top has some dried fruit that we shared.

Bento #7

I’ve been really busy the last few days and my lunch has been provided, hence me slacking with the bentos. But I’m back at it today! I made this bento this morning and it only took about 10 minutes total putting it together. I used a piece of cloth that I hand dyed for my psychology of clothing class last semester.  It’s a cool technique where you rubber band marbles in the cloth and dye it. I put it in blue then red dye to make it that color. I still need to finish the edges, but I thought it would work well for today. Now onto the bento!

bento 7

On the left there’s some cut up celery, baby carrots, cherries, a fortune cookie and a few peaches from our tree. For some reason the peaches were really small this year, but they fit perfectly in the bento!

On the right I have some mushroom flavored udon noodles I made. They came in a package similar to ramen. I added some miso paste and sesame seeds into it to add some extra flavor. I haven’t eaten the bento yet, but I tasted the noodles and they are yummy. Adding miso to asian style noodles is a new way of flavoring noodles that I came up with a few weeks back. It is an easy way to change up the flavor.